God Our Father

God Our Father

     God has many titles in the Bible, and each emphasizes a different aspect of His functioning. While each title of God is singularly significant and meaningful, one of the titles with the most relevance and impact on us in the Administration of Grace, and forever, is the title “Father.” Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille stated the… Continue Reading

Jehovah-elyon—The Lord Most High

Jehovah-elyon—The Lord Most High

     There is much more to God than what He reveals to us about Himself in His Word. Romans 11:33 tells us that His ways are “past finding out!” Anything that God reveals to us about Himself is certainly a privilege beyond what we can fully describe. What a blessing this series on Titles of God… Continue Reading

Jehovah-tsebaoth—The Lord of Hosts

Jehovah-tsebaoth—The Lord of Hosts

     God wants us to know Him. The different names God gives for Himself in His written Word are one of the ways He helps us understand Him. As stated in an earlier article in this series, “A name is that by which a person or thing is made known—it describes, defines, or declares them.” God… Continue Reading

Jehovah-tsidqenu—The Lord Our Righteousness

Jehovah-tsidqenu—The Lord Our Righteousness

     We learned earlier in this series that God uses the name Jehovah in the Old Testament to show that He is the Lord in relationship to His creation—especially in His covenant relationship with His people. We’ve also explored several names of God formed by combining Jehovah with other Hebrew words to show specific aspects of… Continue Reading

Jehovah-shammah—The Lord Is Present

Jehovah-shammah—The Lord Is Present

     In the Bible there are a number of different names or titles for God. Each name reveals aspects of our loving heavenly Father and what He provides for His people. Jehovah is a Hebrew name for God used in reference to the One Who is eternal and unchanging—the One Who was, is, and will be.… Continue Reading

Jehovah-roi—The Lord Our Shepherd

Jehovah-roi—The Lord Our Shepherd

     It is awe-inspiring and humbling to learn more about the characteristics of our heavenly Father as we deepen our understanding of the titles of God in the Bible. The titles God gives Himself in His Word are one way that He lets us know Who He is and how He functions. By learning about His… Continue Reading

Jehovah-shalom—The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah-shalom—The Lord Our Peace

     As we continue to study the names of God in the Bible, we gain a greater and more accurate understanding of His characteristics and the blessings He provides for His people. In this study, we will look at Jehovah-shalom and see how our God truly is a God of peace, Who wills for us to enjoy… Continue Reading

Jehovah-ropheka—The Lord Who Heals Us

Jehovah-ropheka—The Lord Who Heals Us

     The true God does not stand aloof or at a distance from His people. He wants us to know Him intimately—Who He is and what He will do for us. That’s why He gave us His Word. The Word reveals the heart of God and answers every important question in the heart of man. A… Continue Reading

Jehovah-jireh—The Lord Sees and Provides

Jehovah-jireh—The Lord Sees and Provides

     Back in the 1880s, a devout Biblical scholar named Andrew Jukes wrote a book called The Names of God in Holy Scripture, the result of his many years of study and teaching. Jukes likened each title of God to one “note” in a musical “chord” that consisted of many notes—God’s titles.      As we continue our… Continue Reading

El Shaddai—With God, No Obstacle Is Insurmountable

El Shaddai—With God, No Obstacle Is Insurmountable

     In His Word God gives Himself different names and titles to help us know more about Him. When God refers to Himself as God Almighty or Almighty God—El Shaddai in Hebrew—He is emphasizing that He is all-powerful and able to supply every need of every believer. El Shaddai calls special attention to the truth that… Continue Reading