Witnesses in Our Occupations

Witnesses in Our Occupations

     Living the Word’s way day after day brings great blessings and prosperity to our lives. Our homes are blessed, our fellowships are blessed, and our lives flourish and prosper as we keep God first. As God’s Word prevails in our lives, we have the joy of reaching out with that Word in every segment of… Continue Reading

Jehovah-roi—The Lord Our Shepherd

Jehovah-roi—The Lord Our Shepherd

     It is awe-inspiring and humbling to learn more about the characteristics of our heavenly Father as we deepen our understanding of the titles of God in the Bible. The titles God gives Himself in His Word are one way that He lets us know Who He is and how He functions. By learning about His… Continue Reading

Locks and Keys in Bible Times

Locks and Keys in Bible Times

     When we read God’s Word, we do not often see the words “locks” and “keys” because these terms are mentioned just a few times each. But some people did have locks and keys in Bible times. These locks and keys were generally much larger and simpler than ours are today. Manners and customs can help… Continue Reading

Jehovah-shalom—The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah-shalom—The Lord Our Peace

     As we continue to study the names of God in the Bible, we gain a greater and more accurate understanding of His characteristics and the blessings He provides for His people. In this study, we will look at Jehovah-shalom and see how our God truly is a God of peace, Who wills for us to enjoy… Continue Reading

Who Is Important in the Body of Christ?

Who Is Important in the Body of Christ?

     Have you heard the expression “no man is an island”? To be “an island” implies that one is completely independent in life and that his or her actions do not affect others. A long time ago I often thought I was an island alone in the sea: not that I didn’t need anybody, but I… Continue Reading

The Inn of Luke 2:7

The Inn of Luke 2:7

     Our ministry’s publications can be very helpful in our study of Eastern manners and customs. For example, page 208 of Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, by Victor Paul Wierwille, has some interesting details about what the inn of Luke 2:7 may have been like. The footnotes at the bottom of that page also lead us… Continue Reading

Jehovah-ropheka—The Lord Who Heals Us

Jehovah-ropheka—The Lord Who Heals Us

     The true God does not stand aloof or at a distance from His people. He wants us to know Him intimately—Who He is and what He will do for us. That’s why He gave us His Word. The Word reveals the heart of God and answers every important question in the heart of man. A… Continue Reading